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Master Plan

2015-01-21 17:28:53 Author/Sorce:

Q: What is the master plan of CMQIP?
A: The planned area is 55 sq. km., comprising industrial, R&D, services and residential areas.

Q: What’s the vision of CMQIP?
A: It is aimed at building a flagship project of China-Malaysia investment cooperation and  a pioneering zone of industrial collaboration, a pilot zone of innovation & opening-up and a role-model zone of good-neighborliness between China and ASEAN members. It will present great investment potential given the strong support from both the Chinese and the Malaysian government.

Q: What’s the features of CMQIP?
A:It will serve as a new platform, a strong driver and a fresh highlight for China-ASEAN cooperation with the following unique features:

Advanced Manufacturing Base — Extended Industrial Chain in Beibu Gulf
It will extend the leading industrial chain here in the Beibu Gulf and develop advanced manufacturing industrial cluster focusing on modern equipment manufacturing, bio-technology, new materials and other emerging industries.

An Information Corridor — A Pioneering R&D District with Worldwide Competitiveness
It will integrate industries, universities and research institutions, focusing on a test base for the exchange and R&D of electronic information and multimedia technologies..

Modern Town of Culture — A Livable Coastal Place with Southeast Asian Style
It will become an ecological and livable place with the unique Southeast Asian style of integrating the seneries of the mountain, the river and the city.

Platform for Cooperation & Exchanges — An Industrial Park Going Global
Thanks to its adjacency to ASEAN countries, CMQIP will become a platform for information release, trade, projects showcase and business partnership serving CAFTA. As an open industrial park, while serving enterprises from China and Malaysia, CMQIP also embraces investors from all over the world.

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